APP-13 S-1: "Ensure a reliable reuse of your MBC test tases"
About APP-13 S-1?
The service APP-13 S-1 keeps the performance cases stored, maintained, and updated.
Why is this important?
The performance test cases and stored measurement results represent a value that grows with every release of the performance tested product.
Do you want information about our performance test tool MBC?
Read about MBC solutions.
"What are the objectives of APP-13 S-1"?
The objectives of APP-13 S-1 are to ensure time-saving and accurate performance tests of your winning products and to offload your organisation the work of keeping the performance test cases for your software product updated and functioning between recurring regression test projects of performance.
"What is included in APP-13 S-1"?
The service APP-13 S-1 has two steps:
1. Before a new regression test project is started, the following is done:
Maintenance of existing performance test cases include:
Update and verify that performance test cases match changes in performance requirements.
Update and verify that performance test cases match changes in functional requirements.
Update and verify that performance test data match changes in performance test cases.
Addition of new performance test cases include:
Create and verify new performance test cases for additional performance requirements.
Create and verify new performance test cases for additional function requirements.
Create and verify performance test case data for new performance test cases.
2. After a regression test project has finished, the following is done:
Storage of test results.
Storage of new/changed test cases.
Storage of new/changed test data.
What can be added to APP-13 S-1?
The service can be expanded with APP-13 S-2: "Ensure a reliable reuse of your test sites" to a full APP 13: "Ensure high performance requirements continuously" project.