APP-8 S-1: "Use top class requirements support for high performance"
About APP-8 S-1
The service APP-8 S-1 provides consultants with high competence and long experience in a performance requirement analysis and specifications.
Why is this important?
In many organizations performance test projects are regarded as excessively time consuming and costly. The service APP-8 S-1 makes a big difference. With experienced performance requirement consultants your project will not suffer from any time delays or reduced resources to establish the product's performance requirements and thus eliminate the risks of unforseen problems with costly time delays.
Correctly identified and specified requirements are fundamental to any product. Performance requirements are no exception.
If all performance requirements are not identified and correctly specified the following development of the intended product with high performance is at risk with severe consequences.
"What are the objectives?"
The objectives of APP-8 S-1 are to identify and correctly specify all performance requirements for the following work on a product with high performance.
With the services in APP-8 S-1 you can be confident that your product's development and QA process rests on a set of well defined and specified performance requirements.
System performance issues are in many cases company confidential information. The APP-8 S-1 is therefore only available as a company-reserved service held at customer's premises or at Softwell Performance's premises.