FIG B 37 v63 APP 06 S2 Review perf test sites

APP-6 S-2: "A review of the high performance test sites"

About APP-6 S-2

This is a consulting service that, based on the stated system performance requirements of a product, makes an in-depth analysis of the requirements on the projects performance test site.

Why is this important?

The requirements on a project's performance test site is a commonly overlooked issue. The consequences could be severe project delays and unforeseen cost increases if the the performance test tools and other components of the test site are not capable of verifying the product's stated performance requirements.

"What are the objectives?"

The objectives of APP-6 S-2 are to make an in-depth analysis of the requirements on the projects performance test site.

After completion of this service you can be confident that all requirements on the projects performance test site are captured and described.

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"Who should use the consulting service APP-6 S-2?"

The service is primarily intended for development projects in two cases:

  1. When our performance services have been used during the planning phase.

    • As a planned follow-up of the implementation state of system performance requirements,

  2. When our performance services have been not been used during the planning phase.

    • As a review of system performance requirements that might have a negative effect on time or budget.

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"Any prerequisites?"

The consulting service has no prerequisites, but it is highly recommended to use this service based on the findings in APP-6 S-1: "A review of the high performance requirements".

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APP-6 S-2: "A review of the high performance test sites" is a company-reserved service held at customer's premises or at Softwell Performance's premises.

Contact us for more details.

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"Consulting costs"

Contact us for more details.

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Contact us for more details.

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What topics are covered?

Here are a few of the topics covered:

  • Are the stated performance requirements clear, complete, and understandable?

  • What system performance requirements are implementation critical.

  • What system performance requirements are QA critical.

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What does the service APP-6 S-2 deliver?

The service APP-6 S-2 delivers a report on the findings and a comprehensive list of action points and potential impact on time and budget.

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Is your project in the need of service APP-6 S-2?

Contact us for details and availability.

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Do you have any questions or suggestions about APP-6 S-1?

Contact us for more information or a discussion.

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